Available gestures

👆 @use-gesture exists in two packages, one for React and one for Vanilla JS (which is new from v10).


👆 @use-gesture/react exports several hooks that can handle different gestures.

useDragHandles the drag gesture
useMoveHandles mouse move events
useHoverHandles mouse enter and mouse leave events
useScrollHandles scroll events
useWheelHandles wheel events
usePinchHandles the pinch gesture
useGestureHandles multiple gestures in one hook


With the exception of useGesture which is a special hook, all other hooks share the same API:

const bind = useDrag((state) => doSomethingWith(state), config)
return <div {...bind(arg)} />
  • state is an object containing all attributes of the gesture, including the original event. That state is passed to your handler every time the gesture updates. You can find all state attributes in the Gesture state section.
  • config is an object containing options for the gesture. You can find all config options in the Gesture options section.
  • arg is a custom argument you can pass to the bind function. See this example to see where it can be useful.


👆 @use-gesture/vanilla exports several classes that can handle different gestures.

DragGestureHandles the drag gesture
MoveGestureHandles mouse move events
HoverGestureHandles mouse enter and mouse leave events
ScrollGestureHandles scroll events
WheelGestureHandles wheel events
PinchGestureHandles the pinch gesture
GestureHandles multiple gestures in one hook


With the exception of Gesture which is a special hook, all other hooks share the same API:

<!-- index.html -->
<div id="drag" />
// script.js
const el = document.getElementById('drag')
const gesture = new DragGesture(el, (state) => doSomethingWithState(state), config)
  • state is an object containing all attributes of the gesture, including the original event. That state is passed to your handler every time the gesture updates. You can find all state attributes in the Gesture state section.
  • config is an object containing options for the gesture. You can find all config options in the Gesture options section.

Some notes

About the drag gesture

The drag gesture is possibly the most popular gesture of 👆 @use-gesture. Because of the way pointer events work, dragging might cause conflict with scrolling on touch-based devices. So to signify that your element is draggable and therefore shouldn't trigger the browser scrolling, you need to use the touch-action css property. Read more here.

About the pinch gesture

The pinch gesture is a bit specific because depending on your device input, it might behave differently. On touch devices, two pointers (generally your fingers) allow for zooming and rotating.

But Macbook trackpads also support pinching and rotating in Safari. To make sure the zooming gesture doesn't interfere with Safari accessibility zoom, you will need to prevent the gesture like so:

document.addEventListener('gesturestart', (e) => e.preventDefault())
document.addEventListener('gesturechange', (e) => e.preventDefault())

Because React doesn't support proprietary Webkit GestureEvents, you will need to attach the gesture using a ref, with the target option.

Also, a pretty unknown feature allows devices supporting wheel to zoom (not rotate) by wheeling and pressing the control modifier key. 👆 @use-gesture/react supports it, but to make sure the zooming doesn't interefere with the browser accessibility zoom, you'll also be better using the target option.

About the wheel gesture

The wheel gesture is a bit tricky, due to the nature of the wheel event. In fact, mouse devices such as the Macbook trackpad, or the Magic Mouse have inertia, but there is no native way to distinguish between an actual wheel intent and its resulting inertia. To detect intent, you can use Lethargy and read more about it here.

Handling multiple gestures at once

useGesture and Gesture

👆 @use-gesture also allows you to manage different gestures at the same time: for example you might want to enable pinching and dragging on the same component, in that case this is the way to go.

import { useGesture } from '@use-gesture/react'
const bind = useGesture(
onDrag: (state) => doSomethingWith(state),
onDragStart: (state) => doSomethingWith(state),
onDragEnd: (state) => doSomethingWith(state),
onPinch: (state) => doSomethingWith(state),
onPinchStart: (state) => doSomethingWith(state),
onPinchEnd: (state) => doSomethingWith(state),
onScroll: (state) => doSomethingWith(state),
onScrollStart: (state) => doSomethingWith(state),
onScrollEnd: (state) => doSomethingWith(state),
onMove: (state) => doSomethingWith(state),
onMoveStart: (state) => doSomethingWith(state),
onMoveEnd: (state) => doSomethingWith(state),
onWheel: (state) => doSomethingWith(state),
onWheelStart: (state) => doSomethingWith(state),
onWheelEnd: (state) => doSomethingWith(state),
onHover: (state) => doSomethingWith(state)
return <div {...bind()} />

The config object passed to useGesture has drag, wheel, scroll, pinch and move keys for specific gesture options. See here for more details.

import { Gesture } from '@use-gesture/vanilla'
const gesture = new Gesture(
onDrag: (state) => doSomethingWith(state),
onDragStart: (state) => doSomethingWith(state),
onDragEnd: (state) => doSomethingWith(state),
onPinch: (state) => doSomethingWith(state),
onPinchStart: (state) => doSomethingWith(state),
onPinchEnd: (state) => doSomethingWith(state),
onScroll: (state) => doSomethingWith(state),
onScrollStart: (state) => doSomethingWith(state),
onScrollEnd: (state) => doSomethingWith(state),
onMove: (state) => doSomethingWith(state),
onMoveStart: (state) => doSomethingWith(state),
onMoveEnd: (state) => doSomethingWith(state),
onWheel: (state) => doSomethingWith(state),
onWheelStart: (state) => doSomethingWith(state),
onWheelEnd: (state) => doSomethingWith(state),
onHover: (state) => doSomethingWith(state)

The config object passed to Gesture has drag, wheel, scroll, pinch and move keys for specific gesture options. See here for more details.

Start and end handlers

As you can see from the snippet above, the useGesture hook allows drag, wheel, scroll, pinch and move gestures to have two additional handlers that let you perform actions when they start or end. For example, onScrollEnd fires when the user just finished scrolling.

Note that end event handlers for wheel, scroll and move are debounced because of the way these events work in the DOM.

Native event handlers in React

Imagine you want to add an action when you mouse down on a draggable component. You'll probably be tempted to try the following code at first:

// This won't work as you'd expect
function DragAndPointerDown() {
const [{ x, y }, api] = useSpring(() => ({ x: 0, y: 0 }))
const bind = useDrag(({ down, offset: [x, y] }) => api.start({ x, y }))
return <animated.div {...bind()} onPointerDown={() => console.log('pointer down')} style={{ x, y }} />

This looks fine on paper, but it actually won't work: the reason is that the attribute onPointerDown will overwrite the one created by expanding {...bind()} and therefore the drag gesture won't start.

Fortunately, the hook useGesture supports native React event handlers, and will make sure they are executed on the side without overwriting anything:

// This will work as intended
function DragAndPointerDown() {
const [{ x, y }, api] = useSpring(() => ({ x: 0, y: 0 }))
const bind = useGesture({
onDrag: ({ down, offset: [x, y] }) => api.start({ x, y }),
onPointerDown: ({ event, ...sharedState }) => console.log('pointer down', event)
return <animated.div {...bind()} style={{ x, y }} />

Even better, the native handler will be passed the shared state of the gestures, including the original event, and the arguments passed to the bind function.

Better tree shaking with createUseGesture and createGesture

The useGesture hook conveniently offers all gestures out of the box. This comes at the expense of one or two kb of extra gzipped javascript.

If you'd like to only import the code for the gestures you need, you can create a custom useGesture hook like so:

import { createUseGesture, dragAction, pinchAction } from '@use-gesture/react'
const useGesture = createUseGesture([dragAction, pinchAction])
const bind = useGesture(
onDrag: (state) => doSomethingWith(state),
onDragStart: (state) => doSomethingWith(state),
onDragEnd: (state) => doSomethingWith(state),
onPinch: (state) => doSomethingWith(state),
onPinchStart: (state) => doSomethingWith(state),
onPinchEnd: (state) => doSomethingWith(state)
{ drag: dragConfig, pinch: pinchConfig }
return <div {...bind()} />

Gesture conveniently offers all gestures out of the box. This comes at the expense of one or two kb of extra gzipped javascript.

If you'd like to only import the code for the gestures you need, you can create a custom Gesture recognizer like so:

import { createGesture, dragAction, pinchAction } from '@use-gesture/vanilla'
const Gesture = createGesture([dragAction, pinchAction])
const gesture = new Gesture(
onDrag: (state) => doSomethingWith(state),
onDragStart: (state) => doSomethingWith(state),
onDragEnd: (state) => doSomethingWith(state),
onPinch: (state) => doSomethingWith(state),
onPinchStart: (state) => doSomethingWith(state),
onPinchEnd: (state) => doSomethingWith(state)
{ drag: dragConfig, pinch: pinchConfig }

Available actions are:

  • dragAction
  • hoverAction
  • moveAction
  • pinchAction
  • scrollAction
  • wheelAction